First Things First from a different perspective. While we are stuck with ‘efficiency’ and managing the stream of Quadrant III (Not urgent and not important) things that is coming at us each and every day, this books encourages us to focus on those Quadrant II things (Important but not urgent) that we seem to be neglecting.
To live, to love, to learn, and to leave a legacy. The book focuses on planning your week with these roles and human endowments in mind. Fulfilling these needs requires a careful thought-out plan of Quadrant II activities that help you live your life’s mission statement instead of getting caught up in an ‘urgency addiction’.
Stop. Think. Plan. And live your life in a new way with a new focus. A good read that helps you look at your life a little differently. This book presents an alternate route to fulfillment in life. It focuses on the importance of relationships and results instead of time and things. It asserts the importance of prioritizing and the realization of “first things” that need to be taken care of first. Considered as the first breakthrough in time management, this book suggests certain effective habits for a better and improved control over life. The author takes insights from his previously published book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and discusses how one needs to handle the day-to-day obstacles in both personal and professional life. The readers are given a principle-centered approach for better time management skills. It defines the priorities for the reader and informs what are the most important things in life. Moreover, it instructs how to achieve the worthwhile goals and live a rich and balanced life.