Brian Tracy gives simple and easily acted-upon suggestions for stream lining and maximizing your productivity. The title itself, Eat That Frog!, refers to completing the biggest, ugliest task you may have on your plate on any given day. If you do whatever that is first (the frog), in the morning when you’re at your most energetic and before anything else distracts you, then at least you can say you got something done today. Most everything else will seem almost easy by comparison… at least, that’s the theory.
Taken altogether, this book gives someone the tools to turn their life around (if they’re in a bad place) or take them to the next level, if they’re already on their way. It’s not just about learning tools to boost your efficiency, it’s also about discovering what you do best and then prioritizing doing THAT to the best of your ability.
Before Tracy gets into what the 21 methods are, he spends some time talking about habits and task competition. He comments that task completion leaves you with a positive feeling and makes you happy. The 3 key qualities needed to help you develop task completion are decision, discipline, and determination.
While the book focuses on increasing productivity in the workplace all the techniques are ideas that you could incorporate into any area of your life.
This book is very practical and has a lot of ideas that could be easily implemented into your lifestyle to help a person waste less time and be more productive. Many of them are ideas that you have probably heard before. A big plus to this book is that gets right to the point and will not take a lot of time to read.